“Unveiling The Mysteries Of Disease"

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Department of Pathology had a humble beginning in 1988 with setting up of Laboratory, morbid anatomy rooms and Museum. Various Equipments and chemicals were procured for undergraduate practical teaching.

Post graduate course in MD pathology was started in 2003 with 2 admissions per year which was increased to 4 since 2010 and of late from 2020 it is increased to 8 seats. The faculty are actively involved in Undergraduate and Post graduate teaching, Diagnostic services. Posters and scientific papers are being presented and published in various state, national and international Journals and conferences by staffs and post graduates.

The department now has well stocked computerized museum arranged systematically with corresponding legends and teaching material, central laboratory with clinical pathology, cytopathology, frozen section, histopathology with special stains and immunohistochemistry. We have well established blood bank with component separation and apheresis.