“Unveiling The Mysteries Of Disease"

The Department of NEUROSURGERY was established as a complete independent department in the year 2016, before that it was running in collaboration with other private hospitals from Bangalore. From the year 2016 hospital started its own Neurosurgery Department with all the facilities and up-gradation with 24/7 services. Initially, it started with 5 beds, now it is increased to 15 beds and 8 ICU beds with all the facilities. Department provides cutting-edge care for all cranial and spinal diseases around the clock. In addition to trauma and routine neurosurgical procedures, the department also treats vascular, skull base, and other complicated spinal diseases. Department is also equipped to perform all minimally invasive microscopic and endoscopic procedures for cranial and spinal diseases. Department also has a teaching program for undergraduates and postgraduates from various clinical departments throughout the year. Department is working towards having MCh postgraduate program in the near future.

We hope that in the future, the Department will continue to grow in stature, enrich the knowledge and serve the people.

  • To provide outstanding care to patients with disease related to the nervous system.
24/7 Emergency And Trauma Care Services
  • CSF Diversion Procedures
  • Degenrative Spinal Disease
  • Spinal Cord Tumor Surgery
  • Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery
  • Traumatic Spine Surgery