“Decoding Life At The Molecular Level"
Department of Biochemistry was established in the year 1986 as an undergraduate department with an intake of 150 admissions per Academic year. The department was upgraded to Post Graduate department in the year 2005 with an intake of one PG per year. Later in the year 2009 it was upgraded with an additional PG M.D seat. In the same year department has been approved for Ph.D. admission. Till date, nine PG M.D and ten Ph.D. candidates have successfully completed their course. We are proud to say that for three consecutive years (2013, 2014 & 2015) candidates of this department have secured highest marks among pre-clinical subjects and were awarded Gold Medal. Ten Ph.D. candidates have been awarded Ph.D. degree from the department of Biochemistry till date.
The department is involved in teaching of nursing courses. The department is also involved in collaborative teaching of Post graduate students of various departments.
Department has well trained faculty with rich research experience in their respective thrust area. Each faculty is actively involved in research projects and completed projects are published in reputed indexed, peer reviewed Journals. Department of Biochemistry also encourages Undergraduate students who are interested in research activities to take STS ICMR projects and also our academy funded projects. The department has nine STS ICMR approved projects to its credit. Department has well-established Under Graduate and Post Graduate research laboratory. Post graduate research lab is well equipped with modern instruments and can accommodate 16 researchers to carry out their work simultaneously. The department has well equipped “Fluorosis Lab” situated in the research lab.
The department has 24x7 NABL accredited Clinical Biochemistry Diagnostic laboratory at CDLS, RLJH& RC. The laboratory provides a wide range of medical tests to provide quality services to the requirements of the patients, treating physicians and other users of the laboratory. Biochemistry laboratory is supporting to carry out various research activities of PG students and research scholars of different specialties. The lab is well equipped with instruments such as 5600, 5.1 FS & 250 Vitros Dry Chemistry Analyzer, BIORAD - D10 HPLC for HbA1C and also Electro Chemiluminescence for hormone assays. Routine Internal Quality Assessment (IQAS) is done twice daily to assess the quality of the lab. External Quality Assessment (EQAS, Bio Rad, USA) is done once a month and we are proud to say our results are on par with the International Standard.