Department of Forensic Medicine

“Science In The Service Of Justice"


Welcome to our Forensic Medicine Department, where our primary mission is to provide high-quality education for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, alongside the crucial task of conducting post-mortem examinations in the Kolar district and its neighboring regions

Our department offers a 24/7 autopsy service, which includes on-site visits to crime scenes when needed. Every year, our dedicated team of medico-legal experts conducts approximately 250-300 post-mortem examinations, addressing a wide range of cases, including natural and unnatural deaths, as well as examinations of exhumed bodies. These professionals are also called upon to offer expert opinions in various sensitive cases.
In addition to our educational and forensic services, our department houses the esteemed Poison Detection Center, where toxicological analyses of poisons, pesticides and therapeutic drugs are carried out.
We are proud to host one of Karnataka's finest museums in our department, a testament to our commitment to education, preservation, and the dissemination of knowledge in the field.
Moreover, we play an essential role beyond education and examinations. We provide practical, hands-on training to allied professionals, including doctors, police officials, and scientific officers, focusing on the intricate subject of medical jurisprudence.
Our department's comprehensive approach to education, research, and service upholds the highest standards in forensic medicine and its related disciplines. We are dedicated to making a meaningful impact in our community and beyond.

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  • To be the premier hub of forensic medicine excellence, advancing education, research, and expert services for the benefit of our community and beyond.
Value Added Courses
  • Ethics and Law at the Health care Profession
  • Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD)
Thrust Areas
  • Forensic Pathology
  • Skeletal remains examination
  • Analytical Toxicology
Awards And Achivements

Services provided
  • Medico-legal autopsies (24X7)
  • Testing for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Analytical toxicology for detection of poisons including pesticides, therapeutic drugs etc.
  • Medicolegal examination of survivor and accused in sexual offences
  • Expert opinions in medico-legal cases to police as well as public
  • Crime scene visits and reporting
  • Embalming of dead bodies and certification for body repatriation
  • Forensic anthropological services
  • Services to NHRC in deaths pertaining to human rights violation
  • Expert opinion based on PM reports/Wound certificates to police/advocate/public
  • Tele-medico-legal aid provided 24x7 to doctors and police
