Department of Surgical Oncology


The department of surgical oncology is involved in the surgical management of cancer and pre-cancerous conditions at all sites (with the exception of cancers of the brain and the heart). The department believes in multidisciplinary management of all cancer types. Proving quality care at affordable cost is the goal. The department strives at improving the quality of life and not just cancer control. With a dedicated team of specialists, the department aims to extend its services across all departments.

RLJH is a tertiary referral hospital for the entire district of Kolar and surrounding Taluks. The team of surgical oncology at RLJH oversees the multidisciplinary treatment of all cancer afflicted patients visiting the hospital. The treatment of cancer for most patients (belonging to the below poverty line [BPL]) is free of cost as it is covered under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. Hence patients get affordable quality care for cancer. With well-equipped operation theatres and ICUs, major and supra-major surgeries as part of cancer treatment are performed routinely with satisfactory results.

  • Surgical Oncology is a disease based discipline
  • Surgical Oncologist: oncologist who performs cancer surgery
  • Part of the multidisciplinary team
  • Deals with management of cancer
  • Oncological surgery includes surgeries to
    • obtain tissue diagnosis (biopsies)
    • treatment of cancer and cancer-like masses
    • prevention
    • palliation

Postgraduate Courses

  • Mch (Surgical Oncology)- has been allotted with 3 Mch Surgical oncology seats from academic year 2023-24 by NMC.

Thrust Areas
  • Head and neck cancers: cancers of the buccal mucosa, tongue, larynx, hypopharynx and thyroid including free flap reconstruction in collaboration with plastic surgery team.
  • Breast cancers: both early and locally advanced breast cancers with special interest in breast conservative surgeries.
  • Lung cancers and mediastinal tumours
  • Gastrointestinal cancers including esophageal, stomach, colorectal, small bowel cancers and hepatobiliary cancers
  • Soft tissue sarcomas and retroperitoneal sarcomas including multi visceral resections.
  • Orthopaedic malignancies with limb salvage procedures.
  • Gynecological cancers involving the ovaries, uterus, cervix and vulva with special interest in cytoreductive surgeries with HIPEC.
  • Urological cancers involving kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate and penis.
Awards And Achivements
Consultancy projects

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