Dr Suresh T N
Professor & HOD of Pathology
Academic Qualifications: MBBS, MD
SL NO | Degree | Specialization | Institute | Year of passing |
1 | MBBS | - | SDUMC, Kolar | 1995 |
2 | MS | Pathology | Bangalore Medical college, Bengaluru | 1999 |
3 | DNB | Pathology | National Board of Examination, New Delhi | 1999 |
Additional qualifications / training
- Senior resident in Neuropathology department NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 1999 to 2002.
- Trained in Medical education technology at NATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING CENTRE (NTTC), JIPMER, Puducherry in 2009
- MCI Advanced course in Medical Education (2014 A batch)
- Revised Basic MET at St. Johns Medical college from 27th to 30th June 2016
- CISP II at SDUMC, Kolar from 17th to 19th June 2019
- Former Coordinator (Research & Development) and Member secretary of Central ethics committee, SDUAHER for 5 years (2013-2018)
- Former Lab Director of Central Diagnostic Laboratory Services (CDLS) from September 2018 to February 2021
- Resource person for Research methodology workshops and MEU related training program for more than 15 years
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
SDUMC, Kolar | Asst. Professor | Teaching, Diagnostic and Research | 1999 |
NIMHANS, Bangalore | Senior Resident | Teaching, Diagnostic and Research | 1999-2002 |
SDUMC, Kolar | Asst. Professor | Teaching, Diagnostic and Research | 2002-2009 |
SDUMC, Kolar | Assoc. Professor | Teaching, Diagnostic and Research | 2009-2013 |
SDUMC, Kolar | Professor | Administrative, Teaching, Diagnostic , Research | 2013-Till Date |
SDUMC, Kolar | HOD | Teaching, Diagnostic and Research | 2023-Till Date |
- Teaching Pathology to the undergraduate students of MBBS and MD postgraduates.
- Helping the postgraduate students in their thesis as a Guide & co-guide.
- Being a certified BLS and ACLS provider, training of undergraduate students in basic life support.
- Mentoring the students as a teacher guardian.
- Member of BOS, Faculty of Medicine and Academic council of SDUAHER, Kolar
- Adjunct faculty of CMC Vellore, NMC nodal center
- Publications in Indexed and peer reviewed journals – 58
- Presentation in conferences 31
- Oncopathology
- Neuropathology
- Medical Education
- CM Jayakeerthy, H Rangappa, TN Suresh. Needle aspiration cytology of the nerve for the diagnosis of pure neural leprosy. Journal of Cytol 1999;16(2):89-91
- T. N. Suresh, Santosh VV, ShastryKolluri VR, Jayakumar PN, Yasha TC, Mahadevan AA, Shankar SK. Intracranial haemorrhage resulting from unsuspected choriocarcinoma metastasis. Neurology India, 2001;49:2316-2312.
- Suresh TN, Mahadevan A, Chandrashekarsagar V,Santosh V, Yasha TC, Shankar SK. Unusual case of multiple cellular and malignant schwannomas of the cranial and spinal nerve. Clinical Neuropathology.2003,22(1):23-29.
- Suresh TN, Santosh V, Yasha TC, Anandh B, Mohanty A, Indiradevi B, Sampath S, Shankar SK. Medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity:a variant occurring in the very young- clinic pathological and immunohistochemical study of four cases. Childs Nerv Syst. 2004 Jan;20(1):55-60
- Suresh TN, Mahadevan A, Santosh V, Shankar SK. Subarachnoid spread of germinoma mimicking tuberculous meningitis. Neurol India. 2004 Jun; 52(2):251-3.
- T. N. Suresh, Rajashekaranpillai, Aymen nada, Suhelhassan. Case Report – Lennert’sLymphoma .Saudi Med J 2005; Vol. 26 (2): 320-322.
- T. N. Suresh, Harendra Kumar, Prasad, R. Kalyani, K. Borappa. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with divergent differentiation. Indian j pathol microbiol- 2009; 52(1): 74-76
- Hemalatha, Udayakumar, Suresh, Narayan swamy .Intravenous leiomyoma – a silent killer – Journal of south Asia federation of obstetrics & gynaecology 2010;2(2):153- 154.
- Beeregowda., Suresh T N. ,Kiran,Hemalatha.Congenitalleukemia in a newborn with Down syndrome . Nation journal of Basic Medical Sciences 2010; 1(2): 96-98
- Umesh K, Raghu R Patil, Tomas MS,.Suresh TN. Preoperative embolization of juvenile nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. J Clin Biomed Sci 2011;1(1):30-32.
- Suresh TN, Hemalatha A, Harendra Kumar ML . Hodgkin's Disease Masquerading as Granulomatous Lymphadenitis on FNA. J Clin Biomed Sci 2011 ; 1 (3):126-129
- Vidyavathi.K, UdayaKumar.M, Suresh.T.N, Sreeramulu.P.N. Granulomatous Mastitis: A Cytological dilemma. J Cytol Histol 2012:3:137
- Bhaskaran, Vijay P, Basavarajappa, Suresh TN, Vasanthkumar. Desmoid tumour of anterior abdominal wall araising from a post-operative scar. J Clin Biomed Sci 2012;2(2):90-93
- Venkarakrishna B R, Shashirekha C A,Suresh T N, Jothinder Singh. A rare case of perforated GIST (gastro intestinal stromal tumours) of transverse mesocolon with synchronus rectal carcinoma: A case report. International Journal of Biomedical Research.2012; 3(5): 262-264
- T.N.Suresh, M.L.Harendra Kumar, Thomas.A.K. Azeem. Study of sentinel lymphnode in oral Squamous cell carcinoma – J Clin Biomed Sci.2013;3(3):146-49
- Hemalatha.A,T.N.Suresh, HarendraKumar.M.L. Expression of vimentin in breast carcinoma, its correlation with KI 67 and other histological parameters. Indian Journal of cancer 2013;50(3):189-94.
- Aparna N, Kalyani R, Harendra Kumar ML, Suresh TN, Supreetha. Giant chondroid syringoma with divergent differentiation: cyto- histo- immunocorrelation. International journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research 2013;3(2):129-31.
- 18. Prathima.S, T.N.Suresh, M.L.Harendra Kumar, Krishnappa:FNAC in Paediatric age group with special reference to paediatric tumours : A retrospective study evaluating its diagnostic role and efficacy. Annals of Medical and Health Sciences research 2014;4(1):44-7.
- Hemalatha.A,T.N.Suresh, HarendraKumar.M.L. Micronuclei in breast aspirates. Is scoring them helpful?. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics.2014; 10(2):309-11
- Gayathri BN, Sagayraj, Prabhakar S, Suresh TN, Merchant Shuaib, Azeem M. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid in a 5 year old child- A case report. Indian journal of surgical oncology.2014Indian J SurgOncol. 2014 ; 5(4): 321–324.DOI 10.1007/s13193-013- 0282-3
- Haswani L, Suresh T N, Hemalatha A, Kumar M L, Bhaskaran A. Role of blood grouping as a prognostic marker in breast carcinoma its relationship with histological and hormonal prognostic markers. Clin Cancer Investig J 2014;3:497-501
- N.Srichandhanreddy,Jagadish,SureshTN,Venkataranthamma.P.N, An interesting case of diabetic muscle infarction, Journal Evol Med Dent Sci 2014;3(34)9081-5
- SindhooriKomma, Munirantha.N, TN Suresh, PurnimaHegde, Navin Kumar Evaluation of cervical lymphadenopathy by ultrasound in comparison with FNAC. International Journal Bio Med Res 2014; 5(4).4448-54
- 24. Vishal Parasad,Chandrakala,Krishnappa,Suresh.T.N. Harshitha T Rajanna - Two rhinoliths in a single nasal cavity in an elderly patient mimicking fungal sinusitis .Clinical Rhinology 2014;7(2):76-79
- Srinivasan,T.N.Suresh. Clinical, Histopathological, radiological diagnosis of retro rectal developmental cysts, its review and differential diagnosis- A rare case report International journal of biomedical and advance Research 2014;5(10):540-542
- Yeshaswini,Suresh TN ,Mohan kumar , Harendra Kumar. Role of “ Cellular Swirls” In the Cytodiagnosis of Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid. IOSR JDMS 2015;14(4):7-10
- Suresh TN ,Hemalatha, Harendra Kumar, AzeemSM. Evaluation of histomorphological and immunohistochemical parameters as biomarkers of cervical lymph node metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity - A retrospective study.Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology 2015;19(1):18-25.
- Priya T, Suresh TN, Raveesh, Harendra Kumar. Bone marrow spectrum in atertiary care hospttal: clinical indications, peripheral smear correlation and diagnostic value. Medical journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil university 2015;8(4):490-92
- Kalyani R, Gayathri, Suresh TN, Venkatarathnamma. Wilson’s disease: A clinical autopsy case report with review of literature. Journal of natural Sciences, biology and medicine 2015; 6(1):248-252.
- Shilpa ,Vikranth Suresh Nandurkar,Surresh T.N, Mohan Kumar.K. Pregnancy associated breast carcinoma: A diagnostic dilemma International journal; of recent Scientific Research 2015;6(11) :7533-75354
- ManaswiniRamachandra, S.M.AzeemMohiyuddin, T.N.Suresh, A Sagayaraj, Shuaib Merchant. Evaluating usefulness of –Aminolevulinic acid induced flurescence to guide biopsy of oral cancers and premalignantlesions . International journal of head and neck Surgery 2015;6 (2)64-68
- Harshita TR, S.M.AzeemMohiyuddin, A .Sagayaraj, T.N.Suresh, Shuaib Merchant. Effectiveness of supraomohyoid neck dissection in oral cancers with N1 neck. Int J head Neck Surg 2015 ;6(2): 73-75
- Viveknand K.H, Mohankumar.K, Prakash Dave, Vikranth S.N, T.N.Suresh. Clinical outcome of emergency laparotomy: our experience at tertiary care centre. International Journal of biomedical and advance research 2015; 6(10):709-714.
- AzeemMohiyuddin, ASagayaraj, TR Harshita, TN Suresh. Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma of the Lower Eyelid: Rare Tumor involving Rare Site. International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery, 2015;6(4):190-192.
- Gayathri B N, Suresh T N, Kumar M L Harendra, Arun H S. Primary Chondrosarcoma In The Young Indian Journal of Cancer. 2015; 2(3): 260-261.
- S M AzeemMohiyuddin , B. VageeshPadiyar , T N Suresh, KouserMohammadi, A Sagayaraj , Shuaib Merchant , Mahnaaz Sultana Azeem. Clinic pathological study of surgical margins in squamous cell carcinoma of buccal mucosa. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surger, 2016; 02(1) :17–21
- RizwanJaved, T N Suresh, M V Krishna Shetty. Study of morphological spectrum of prostatic lesions and its correlation with Ki-67 in a tertiary care hospital in rural South India. Al Ameen J Med Sci 2016; 9(3):175-182.
- Mohankumar K, Suresh T N, Vikranth S N, Vivekanand. Histopathological challenges in diagnosis of breast tumors. Internatioal Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2016;7 (1) :8496 – 8498.
- Prathima S, T N Suresh , M L Harendra Kumar, A Bhaskaran. Impact of the Bethesda System in Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology. Thyroid Research and Practice 2016;1 (1): 9-14
- Rakshith, V, Harendra Kumar, M. L., Bhaskaran, A. Suresh, T. N. Expression levels of E- cadherin and Vimentin in breast cancer. International Journal of Current Research 2017;9(8):56505-56509.
- V Kannar, V Raja, TN Suresh. Evaluation of platelet indices in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical cancer investigation journal 2017;61(1):40-43.
- R. Yashaswini, T. N. Suresh, A. Sagayaraj.Cytological evaluation of thyroid lesions by nuclear morphology and nuclear morphometry. Journal of Cytol 2017;34:197-202.
- Argha A, Shilpa MD, Suresh TN,Azeem M. Cutaneous metastasis from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A report of 2 cases. International Journal Science Research. 2018; 7(2) : 33-34.
- Mohiyuddin SMA, Harsha P, Maruvala S, Sumanth KR, Suresh TN, Manjunath GN, Sagayaraj A, Mohammadi K, Babu AP, Deo RP. Outcome of compartment resection of locally advanced oral cancers extending to infratemporal fossa: a tertiary rural hospital experience.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Nov;275(11):2843-2850.
- Rajesh D, Balakrishna S, Azeem Mohiyuddin SM, Suresh TN, Moideen Kutty AV. GSTP1 c.341C>T gene polymorphism increases the risk of oral squamous cell arcinoma. Mutat Res. 2018 Jul;831:45-49.
- Argha bauruah, CSBR prasad, TN Suresh. Correlation of intraoperative frozen section with histopathological diagnosis in a tertiary care center. Indian journal of applied research 2018;8(4):18-20
- Rajan PT, Suresh TN, Rajashekar TS. Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Microvessel Density in Psoriatic Skin Lesions. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2018;9(6):418-421. doi:10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_147_17
- Argha Baruah, TN Suresh, SM Azeem Mohiyuddin, Anil KumarSakalecha. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology in evaluation of cervical lymphnode metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Paripex Indian J Res.2019;8(3):162-165
- Mohammadi, K., Mohiyuddin, S.M.A., Harshitha, N. et al. Outcome of Treatment in Verrucous Carcinoma of Oral Cavity: A Tertiary Rural Hospital Experience. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-019-01782-z
- Kumari Sonia, Suresh turuvekere narayanrao, Azeem mohiyuddin, S. M. Expression of B-type RAF V600E in Thyroid Carcinoma and its Association with Histological Type. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021,15(8): EC01-EC04
- Sowjanya Lakshmi R V , Harendra Kumar M L, Suresh T N, Mohan Kumar K. Leiomyosarcoma of Inferior Vena Cava involving the Liver– A rare case report. Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences 2021:11(2);92-4
- Shilpa MD, Veerandra Kumar, TN. Suresh. Analysis Of Key Performance Quality Indicators In Histopathology Laboratory. IJMSCR 2022; 5 : 563-570
- Vineela E, Sakalecha A, Narayanrao Suresh T . Role of Sonoelastography in Differentiating Benign From Malignant Cervical Lymph Nodes and Correlating With Pathology. Cureus 2022 14(3): e22984. DOI 10.7759/cureus.22984
- Brindha HS, Mohiyuddin SMA, Suresh TN. Evaluation of Tumour Volume as a Prognostic Factor in Carcinoma Buccal Mucosa. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Oct;74(Suppl 2):2497-2502. doi: 10.1007/s12070-020-02226-9.
- Kumari Sonia, Suresh turuvekere narayanrao, Azeem mohiyuddin, S. M Association between TI-RADS ultrasound categories and Bethesda cytology categories of thyroid lesions ", is accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Cancer
- Chakraborty S, Suresh T, Mohiyuddin A S Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 in Predicting Lymph Node Metastases in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cureus 2023:15(1); e33495. DOI 10.7759/cureus.33495
- Tunuguntla A, Suresh T, PN Sreeramulu Association Between the Immunohistochemistry Expression of E-cadherin, Beta-Catenin, and CD44 in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma. Cureus 2023:15(3); e35686. DOI 10.7759/cureus.35686
- Raveesha, Anitha, Shashidhar, Suresh TN, Minni, Meghashri. Early detection of cardiotaxicity in organophosphorus poisoning.Global journal for research analysis 2023;12(4):70-71