Dr. Suresh Kumar. K
Associate Professor
Academic Qualifications: MBBS, MD
SL NO | Degree | Specialization | Institute | Year of passing |
1 | MBBS | - | MS Ramaiah Medical College,Bangalore | 2009 |
2 | MD | Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy | Veer Surendra Sai Medical College, Sambalpur | 2015 |
Additional qualifications / training:
- Dr. Suresh Kumar K completed the IADVL Observership in “LASER and Dermatosurgery” at Sparkle Skin and Aesthetic Centre, Mumbai in 2018.
Designation | Institution | From | To | Total experience |
Sr.Resident | SDUMC, Kolar | 09/9/2015 | 22/6/2015 | 1 Year 9 Months |
Assistant Professor | SDUMC, Kolar | 01/07/2017 | 30/09/2022 | 5 Years 3 Months |
Assoc Professor/Reader | SDUMC, Kolar | 01/10/2022 | Till date | 1 year 3 days |
Any Other | Grand Total | 7 Year 9 Months 3 days |
- Teaching Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy to the undergraduate MBBS students and MD postgraduates.
- Helping the postgraduate students in their thesis as a Guide & co-guide.
- Mentoring the students as a teacher guardian as a part of MENTOR MENTEE PROGRAMME.
- NMC Co-ordinator for SDUAHER
SI. No | Project | Investigators | Ongoing/ Completed | Funded/ Non Funded | Funding agency | Funds sanctioned |
1 | Prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities in patients with Lichen Simplex Chronicus | Dr. Ashna Ashraf, Dr. Rajashekar T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
2 | Phenolic peels for nail rejuvenation | Dr. Rajashekar T.S Dr. Sneha K R Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
3 | Dermoscopic patterns of disorders of Keratinization: An observational study | Dr. Shreyehs, Dr. Rajashekar T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
4 | Association of Androgenetic alopecia with smoking; a cross sectional study |
Dr. GVL Naveena, Dr. Rajashekar T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K |
Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
5 | A Comparative study of Intralesional Tranexamic acid vs Q-switched Nd- YAG laser in the treatment of Melasma | Dr. Amulya Y S, Dr. Rajashekar T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
6 |
A cross sectional study to assess the co- morbidities associated with childhood vitiligo |
Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr. GVL Naveena, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K, Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
7 | A cross sectional study on association of co-morbidities in adult female patients with vitiligo in tertiary health care centre, Kolar | Dr. Savana Waikhom, Dr. Hanumanthayya K Dr.Rajashekar.T.S, Dr.Suresh Kumar | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
8 | A Prospective study to compare resurfacing of facial acne scars in adults using fractional CO2 Laser as monotherapy vs Fractional CO2 Laser with Topical Vitamin C Serum in a tertiary health care centre | Dr. Chandrika Nayyar, Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
9 | A Prospective observational study of patient motivation for seeking Aesthetic facial rejuvenation procedure in a rural based tertiary health care centre | Dr. Chandrika Nayyar, Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
10 | Health Knowledge and Awareness, Attitude and Cosmetic Practices regarding the use of skin lightening creams amongst female undergraduates in Medical College in Kolar: A Cross Sectional Study. | Dr. Rajashekar T.S Dr.Nishi Nagaria, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
11 | A comparative study of Fractional CO2 laser with topical triamcinolone acetonide versus intralesional triamcinolone acetonide in the treatment of Alopecia Areata | Dr.Harish Prasanna Dr.Rajashekar T.S, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Funded | ICMR | Rs.50,00 0/- |
12 | Association of clinical features , biological parameters and trichoscopic patterns in female pattern baldness – A Cross Sectional Study | Dr. Endela Meghna Reddy Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
13 | A Clinico epidemiological study of cutaneous manifestations over periorificial areas in adolescent girls. | Dr.T.R.Pavithra Dr. Hanumanthayya K,Dr.Rajashekar.T.S, | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
14 | A Study on Dermatalogical Manifestations in Tribal community of Kolar District | Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr.Yerragangu Deepthi Chowdary, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
15 | Type D personality, Anxiety Sensitivity and Disability in patients with Alopecia – A Cross sectional Controlled study | Dr. Madhu kiran Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr.Suresh Kumar.K Dr. Hanumanthayya K | Completed | Non Funded | - | - |
- Clinical Dermatology
- Venereology
- Leprosy
- Dermatosurgery
- Cosmetic Dermatology
S.NO | Title of article | Name of journal | Year of publication | List of authors |
1 | Imatinib mesylate induced lichenoid drug eruption masquerading as small plaque parapsoriasis | Int J Res Dermatol. 2018;4(2):262-264 | 2018 | Rajashekar TS, Shruthi Madhavi G, Suresh Kumar Kuppuswamy |
2 | Tattoo inoculated lupus vulgaris- hazards of body arts | J Dermatol Forecast. 2018;1(1);1-3 | 2018 | Rajashekhar TS. Jameema Corneli. Suresh Kumar K. Amulya Ramamurthy |
3 | Gigantic idiopathic scrotal calcinosis : a rare case report and review | Indian. J ClinExp Dermatol. 2018;4(1):66-8 | 2018 | Suresh Kumar K. Rajashekar TS Amulya Ramamurthy |
4 | Oral Mucosal Lesions In Geriatric Population : A South Indian Hospital Based Study | Indian J ClinExpDermatol. 2018; 4(1):10-15. | 2018 | JameemaCorneli Peter, Rajashekar TS, AzeemMohiyuddin SM, Suresh Kumar Kupuswamy |
5 | Comparative study of intralesional BCG and PPD in the treatment of multiple cutaneous warts | Indian J ClinExpDermatol. 2018; 4(1):10-15 | 2018 | Rajashekar T.S, Amulya .R, Prasad K, Kumar S |
6 | A clinico- etiological evaluation of hair loss in rural Indian children – A cross sectional study | Indian J ClinExpDermatol 2018;4(2):132-136 | 2018 | Rajashekar T.S, Amulya .R, Prasad K, Kumar S |
7 | Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Microvessel Density in Psoriatic Skin Lesions | 21Indian Dermatol Online J. 2018 Nov-Dec; 9(6): 418– | 2018 | Priya T. Rajan, T. N. Suresh, and T. S. Rajashekar1 |
8 | Study of Dermatology Life Quality Index in patients with persisting and recurrent Dermatophytoses. | Int J Res Dermatol 2019;5:139-43. | 2019 | Rajashekar T.S, Nandigonnanavar S, Kuppuswamy SK, Madhavi SG. |
9 | Trichoscopic patterns of nonscarring alopecia's | Int J Trichol 2020;12:99-106 | 2020 | Govindarajulu SM, Srinivas RT, Kuppuswamy SK, Prem P |
10 | Information about sun exposure and protection of medical students in Kolar, awareness and behavior patterns | Turkderm - Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol 2020;54:124-31 | 2020 | Dr. ShruthiMadhavi, Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr. Suresh Kumar K, Dr. Priya Prem |
11 | Pigmented macules on hands and feet due to Secondary Syphilis | RGUHS J Medical Sciences. 2020;10(3):167-70 | 2020 | Dr. Rajashekar T.S , Dr. Suresh Kumar K, Dr. Sharanya Padma, Dr. Uday Kumar. S, Dr. Chandrika Nayyar, Dr. Hanumanthayya. K |
12 | Prevalence and clinical spectrum of childhood leprosy in a tertiary care hospital in Kolar | Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol 2021;55:130-4 | 2021 | DR.GVL Naveena, Dr. Suresh Kumar K, Dr. Rajashekar T.S Hanumanthayya. K |
13 | A Pilot Study to assess the various dermatoses associated with usage of facial mask in COVID 19 Pandemic | Dermatol. Online J 2021;12(4):349-53 | 2021 | Dr.Nishi Nagaria, Dr.Uday Kumar S, Dr. Rajashekar T.S, Dr. Hanumanthayya. K, Dr. Suresh Kumar K, |
14 | Illness Perception and Quality of Life in Patients with Environmental Dermatoses: A Cross-sectional Study | J Clin Diagn Res. 2022; 16(1): 9-12 | 2022 | Waikhom S, Talari Srinivas R, Keloji H, Kuppuswamy S, Sonappa U, Nagaria N |
15 | Knowledge and attitudes towards vitiligo and psoriasis in the undergraduate medical students in a tertiary health care centre : A cross- sectional observational study | J Clin Diagn Res. 2022; 16(1): 9-12 | 2022 | Nayyar c, Talari Srinivas R, Keloji H, Kuppuswamy S, Waikhom S |
16 | Mystery of origin of syphilis | Journal of clinical and biomedical sciences | 2022 | Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Hanumanthayya, Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr. Harish Prasanna Dr. Madhukiran |
17 | The Association of Depression , lonliness and Internet addiction levels In male MBBS Students With Androgenetic Alopecia Male Pattern Baldness in a medical college in Kolar , India | Cureus jounal of medical sciences | 2023 | Dr.Harish Prasanna Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr Madhu kiran Dr. Meghna Reddy |
18 | A Comparative study of Intralesional Acyclovir vs Immunotherapy for treatment of Viral warts. | Cureus jounal of medical sciences | 2023 | Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr. Meghna Reddy |
19 | A Comparative study of Topical Procapil with Platelet-rich plasma therapy versus Topical Redensyl, saw palmetto, and Biotin with Platelet-rich plasma therapy in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. | Cureus jounal of medical sciences | 2023 | DR.Meghana, Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr.Harish Prasanna |
20 | Dermatology photo quiz 1-contact Dermatitis | Journal of clinical and biomedical sciences. | 2023 | Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr.Harish Prasanna Dr.Hanumanthayya.k, Dr. Sumedha.T |
21 | Dermatology photo quiz 2-Chancroid | Journal of clinical and biomedical sciences. | 2023 | Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr.Hanumanthayya.k, Dr. Anjana G |
22 | A Cross sectional study of clinical manifestations and Dermoscopic findings in Palmoplanatar keratoderma. | Gradiva Review journal | 2023 | Dr.Deepthi Chowdary, Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr.Hanumanthayya.k, |
23 | A Cross sectional study of Liver Fibrosis in Psoriatic patients using Ultrasound Shear wave Elastography | Gradiva Review journal | 2023 | Dr.Madhu Kiran.C Dr. Hanumanthayya K Dr. Rajashekar |
24 | A Cross sectional study on Quality of life and cost of illness in patients of Hand Dermatitis | Cureus jounal of medical sciences | 2023 | Dr.Deepthi Chowdary, Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar |
25 | Clinico- epidemiological Study of Cutaneous and Systemic Co- morbidities of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis in females of adolescent and adulthood | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | 2023 | Dr.Rajashekar.T.S Dr.Suresh Kumar Dr. Meghna Reddy |