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Dr. Prabhavathi K

Professor & HOD

Academic Qualifications: MBBS, MD

SL NO Degree Specialization Institute Year of passing
1 MBBS - Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Medical College, Mysore 1998
2 MD Biochemistry Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar 2011


Type/ Nature Name of the Association
Life Member Association of Medical Biochemists India(AMBI)
Life Member Association of Medical Biochemists Karnataka Chapter (AMB KC)
Life Member Indian Medical Association, Kolar (IMA)


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
SDUMC, Kolar Tutor in Department of Anatomy Teaching M.B.B.S November 2006 to 30 th November 2007
SDUMC, Kolar Tutor in Department of Forensic Medicine Teaching M.B.B.S 1 st December 2007 to 30 th May 2008
SDUMC, Kolar PG Cum Tutor Teaching, Clinical Biochemist, Research Activities May 31 st 2008 to 30 th May 2011
PESIMSR, Kuppam, AndraPradesh Asst. Prof Teaching M.B.B.S, Post graduates & Paramedical students. Research Activities and working in NABL accredited lab towards quality patient care 16 th June 2011 to 23 rd April 2013
SDUMC, Kolar Asst. Prof Teaching M.B.B.S, Post graduates & Paramedical students. Administrative work , Research Activities and working in NABL accredited lab towards quality patient care 29 th April 2013 to 30 th June 2017
SDUMC, Kolar Assoc. Prof. Teaching M.B.B.S, Post graduates & Paramedical students. Administrative work, Research Activities and working in NABL accredited lab towards quality patient care 1 st July 2017 to 28 th February 2023
SDUMC, Kolar Professor Administrative work, Teaching M.B.B.S, Post graduates. Research Activities and working in NABL accredited lab towards quality patient care 1 st March 2023 to 4 th October 2023
SDUMC, Kolar Prof. & HoD Administrative work, Teaching M.B.B.S, Post graduates. Research Activities and working in NABL accredited lab towards quality patient care 5 th October 2023 to till date


  • Teaching Biochemistry to the Undergraduate students of 1st year MBBS and MD Postgraduates.
  • Helping the Postgraduate students in their thesis as a Guide & Co-guide.
  • Research Work and to start up subspecialty Lab for rare disease: Inborn Errors of Metabolism
  • Working towards quality patient care as Deputy Quality Manager and lab Incharge in NABL accredited lab
  • Mentoring the students as a Teacher guardian.
  • Preclinical BOS Member
  • Academic council member
  • Member of Central ethics committee
  • Member of Faculty of Medicine
  • Academic and Ad ministrative responsibility as Head of the Department


SDUAHER Funded Projects

Name of project List of Researchers Ongoing / Completed Funded / Non funded Funding agency Funds sanctioned
Serum Total Bilirubin andoxidative stress status in diabetic retinopathy-A hospital based observational study. SDUAHER/Res. Project/89/2013-14 Dr. Prabhavathi K Mrs. Mamatha Kunder 1 Dr.Shashidhar K.N 1 Dr.Kanthamani 2 Dr.Raveesha A 3 Completed Sent for publication to Biomedical & pharmacology Journal : Under Peer Review Funded SDUAHER 200000.00
Thiamine Status in Paediatric Sepsis – A Prospective Observational Study in a Tertiary Teaching Hospital SDUAHER/Res. Project/ 102/2020-21 Dr. Sudha Reddy V R Dr.Shivaraja A Dr.Prabhavathi K Dr.Shashidhar K.N Completed Analysis & write up in process Funded SDUAHER 1,94,260.00
Vitamin A and Zinc-Enriched Nutrient Supplementation for Recovery Enhancement in patients with Tuberculosis (VZ-ENSURE): A Quasi Experimental. SDUAHER/Res. Project/ 92/2020-21 Dr Prasanna Kumar N Dr Prabhavathi K Dr AravindNatarajan Dr Jagadeesh M Ongoing Funded SDUAHER 1,89,000.00
Efficacy of therapeutic aquatics over therapeutic exercises on balance and physical performance on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy subjects. SDUAHER/Res. Proj/177/2018-19 Dr. Sarulatha H Dr. Ramesh Dr. Prabhakar Dr. Prabhavathi K Completed Analysis & write up in process Funded SDUAHER 2,40,000.00
Serum Lactate and Procalcitonin- Its Role in Predicting Mortality of Trauma Dr. Sagar Dr. Prabhu Dr. Arun HS Dr. Sai Ganesh Dr. Prabhavathi K Ongoing Funded SDUAHER 1,77,000.00

MD Dissertation: CO-GUIDE

Sl. No. Title of the dissertation PG Student Guide Co Guide Status
1 Cross-sectional study of serum zinc levels in children with acute gastroenteritis in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Akshatha S Paediatrics Dr. Krishnappa J Dr. Prabhavathi K Completed
2 Prospective study on association between cord blood vitamin D levels and early onset neonatal sepsis Dr. Rajitha Reddy Paediatrics Dr. Sudha Reddy Dr. Prabhavathi K Completed


MSc MLT: Guide
Sl No. Title of the dissertation MSc MLT Student Guide Status
1 LDL-Cholesterol: comparison of direct LDL cholesterol with other calculated methods Mr. Mohan Kumar Dr. Prabhavathi K Completed


Sl.No. Project title with Institution Ethics Committee Principal Investigator Co- Investigators
1 Is SARS COV 2 infection concomitant with Renal parameters among Laboratory confirmed cases? A rural Hospital study Dr. Munilakshmi U Dr. Bindu Madhavi, Dr. Deena Mendez, Dr. Mamatha Kunder, Dr. Prabhavathi. K


  • Oxidative stress markers, Nutrition (vitamins and minerals) in Diabetes Mellitus and its complications.
  • To start Subspecialty Laboratory in Rare Disease: Inborn Errors of Metabolism


Title of article Name of journal Year of publication List of authors
A Retrospective Study to Evaluate the Quality Assurance of Thyroid Profile In A Tertiary Care Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory J.Clin Biomed Sci 2024;14(1):13–18 2024 Harish Rangareddy Shashidhar KN bhavathi Kannala
Snippets of student centric methods for postgraduate teaching Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences Oct 2023;13(3):85-90 Harish R Shashidhar K N Prabhavathi K
Biochemical Evaluation of a potentially Ubiquitous element in snake bite: Myths and facts – A tertiary Rural Hospital study in India Saudi Journal of Biomedical research Nov,2020;5(11):303-307 Harish R Shashidhar K N Deena c Mendez Prabhavathi K
Serum Fluoride Levels As A Biomarker In Pre-Eclamptic Women: A Case–Control Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study Fluoride July-September 2020.53(3) K Chengalvala, K Prabhavathi, KV Venkateshu, SR Sheela, R Kalyani, CV Raghuveer, P Kiranmayee
Role of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in patients with Hypothyroidism Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 8 2019;13(5):BC05-BC0 ME. Sumathi K. Prabhavathi S. Harish Kumar Shashidhar. KN Mahesh. V
Correlation of blood uric acid with urinary albumin Creatinine ratio in hypertension and Diabetic Nephropathy Apollo Medicine 2016; 13: 24-30. Munilakshmi U, Shashidhar K N, Prabhavathi K, Madhavi Reddy, Lakshmaiah V.
Association of Serum Uric acid with anthropometric, HbA1c and Lipid profile in Diabetic Retinopathy International Journal of Current research and review.   2015:7(4):20-26 Munilakshmi U, Prabhavathi K Shashidhar K.N, Madhavi Reddy, Lakshmaiah V
Screening for Antiulcer activity of Convolvulus pluricaulis using pyloric ligation method in wister rats” International Journal of Pharma sciences and Research.   2015;6(1):89-99. Sharth S S, Preethy J, Surendrakumar G, RevannaswamyA Muralidhar P, SujithT R, Prabhavathi K, Rohini K R
Serum total Bilirubin in Diabetic Retinopathy- A Case control Study IOSR Journal of Pharmacy. 2014;4(8):01-06 Prabhavathi, K, Mamatha K, Shashidhar K.N, Harish R
Reinforcing learning of vitamins by mind maps Journal of research in medical education and ethics.   2012;2(3):1-9 Ashakiran S, N.Krishna Murthy, Deepthi, Prabhavathi.K. Ganesh.G
Study of Glutathione and Ascorbic Acid in Cases of Diabetic Retinopathy     Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Science   2011; 1(1): 13-19   Prabhavathi K Ashakiran S Narendra P.Datti Krishnamurthy N Dayanand CD Mamatha K Sumathi ME


Guide: Student Research Projects (STS-ICMR Approved): 03 Completed

Sl. No Project title with Institution Ethics Committee (IEC) no. Student Guide Co Authors (if any)
1 “ Comparative Study of Serum Zinc and Magnesium levels among patients of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Retinopathy- A Rural Hospital Study”. IEC No. SDUMC /KLR /IEC /157/2016-17 dated: 01-03-2017 Ms. Karen Mary John Dr.Prabhavathi.K Dr. K Kanthamani Dr. Raveesha. A Dr. Munilakshmi U
2 Significance of Folic acid in patients of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Retinopathy. A Hospital Based case control study IEC No.SDUMC /KLR /IEC /49/2018-19 dated: 27-06-2018 Ms. Yashika Balana Dr.Prabhavathi.K Dr. K Kanthamani Dr. Raveesha. A Dr. Ravishankar. S
3 Assessment of Risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Medical College Students at Kolar by using Indian Diabetes Risk Score IEC No. SDUMC/KLR /IEC /05/2019-20 dated: 24-04-2019 Ms. MenaliUthpala Dissanayake Dr.Prabhavathi.K Dr. Ravishankar. S

Guide: Student Research Projects (STS-ICMR Approved): 01Ongoing

Sl. No Project title with Institution Ethics Committee (IEC) no. Student Guide Co Authors
1 Association of serum Cortisol and Prolactin in Diabetic Retinopathy. IEC No. DMCIKLR/IECI 723/ 2022-23 Date: 28.02.2023 Ms. Aishwarya Pandey Dr.Prabhavathi.K Dr.Chaitra C, Dr.Shashidhar K N Dr. Harish R