Dr. Lavanya Kaparti
Associate Professor
Academic Qualifications: MBBS, MD, DA, DNB
SL NO | Degree | Specialization | Institute | Year of passing |
1 | MBBS | - | Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore | 1994 - 1999 |
2 | MD | Anaesthesia | PESIMSR, Kuppam | 2012 – 2014 |
Additional qualifications / training:
- DA (Diploma in Anaesthesiology) 2002 – 2004 Vijaynagar institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS), Bellary Secured SIXTH RANK
16 yrs experience as Anaesthesiologist which includes working experience in various speciality operation theatres.
- Internship completed in 2000 from Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore.
- Worked as Resident in Anaesthesiology in Sri Devraj Urs Medical College Jun 2004 – Jan 2005.
- Worked as consultant anaesthesiologist at various private hospitals in Bangalore Feb 2005 – Jun 2007.
- Worked as Anaesthesiologist in BEML Hospital (BEML is a PSU under ministry of defence), Kolar Gold Fields Jun 2007 – Feb 2011.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Anaesthesiology in SIMSAR, KGF from Oct 2014 to Dec 2018
- Worked as Associate Professor in Anaesthesiology in SIMSAR, KGF from Dec 2018 to Jan 2020
- A randomized trial comparing efficacy, onset and duration of action of pethidine and tramadol in abolition of shivering in the intraoperative period. Nov 2014, issue 11, vol 8 JCDR
- Co Authored 3 Articles
- Anaesthetic management of a neonate with right sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia Dec 2013, Vol 7, Issue 12 JCDR
- A case of a difficult airway due to large sublingual dermoid in a rural medical college. May-Jun 2013 57(3) IJA
- A randomized control study comparing the efficacy of 2 techniques of preoxygenation – tidal volume breathing for 3 minutes and 8 deep breaths in 1 minute Jan-Mar 2019 6 (1) Indian journal of Clinical Anaesthesia
- The efficacy of clonidine added to bupivacaine as compared to bupivacaine alone used in supraclavicular brachial plexus block. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia mar-apr2019/vol6 number2/IJAA